Friday, 29 November 2013

JJ had too much fun with PD

This week I am supposed to implement two new filters for the genre changer in our game: classical HOV filter and rock HOV filter. I though this won't be a big deal. I had already gave JJ the filter library I had. What I need to do was look into the filters, took the part JJ used and patched it into our game. Sounds easy, right?

Well, it's not. The problem was JJ had too much fun with PD. That's good. Really good for Vinyl. I was happy with his excitement with our game which we, frankly, didn't see in the first 3 months. But... it's not good for me. My task was blown up. When it's supposed to be 3 hours it becomes 6 hours.

First, JJ for misunderstanding reason, used chorus for the classical HOV filter. Btw, HOV filter are the filter that we are going to play when the player is doing well. This HOV filter purpose is to enhance the music. And since we decided to add genre selection into the game, we need to create different effect for every genre we have: electronic, hip-hop, rock, classical, and no genre. For electronic and hip-hop, we are going to add drum, bass or high hat on note. For classical we are going to pass the audio to a filter. Additional sound effect and filter will be applied to rock.

Shortly, this is what classical looks at the moment.
Classical Jazz HOV

It is super ugly and has a lot unnecessary stuffs while it can only be simple. JJ used the chorus template to create this while I knew that he didn't mean to use the chorus. Anyway, right now I implemented it as his creation. Somehow I believe in future we will change it.

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