Thursday, 9 January 2014

Improved the EQ

On my first day of class, I made a big improvement on PD and Unity related to the EQ. Before, I made 101 network connection every 4 frames to get the audio data required for the EQ. Now I made only 1 network request every 4 frames. With all the improvement iJason made on the GUI (he was making new style on OnGui function which apparently the main cause), the game is so much less jittery now.

Latest Vinyl
Yes, we still have a little bit jitter but it's so much better than previous and almost unnoticeable. Next week, our main focus will be optimizing. Then the game is ready for publishing =)

Oh, I also increased the number of the EQ bars and decrease the distance of each bar to make it less jail-bar look =) This is the short game demo

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